VitalVis: Correlation Matrix Visualization Prototype

Description: Correlation matrix visualization with scatterplot.


Loading Files: Either select files in your system file explorer and drag and drop on the 'Choose Files' button or click the 'Choose Files' button and select files from the system file dialog. Multiple files can be loaded.
Bin Size: Changes the time bin size to alter sample size of average values.
Scatterplot Point Opacity: Make scatterplot points more or less transparent.
Extract Age Dimension: Extract ages from records adding a dimensiosn.
Clicking on a Rectangle: Shows the scatterplot between the two dimensions.
Hovering over a Rectangle: Displays the correlation coefficient between the two dimensions
Color Scale: Encodes the correlation coefficient between each pairwise combination of dimensions. Blues are positive correlations and reds are negative. The saturation of the color encodes the strength of the correlation. White means no correlation between the two dimensions.



