.. Curifactory documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jun 22 12:57:24 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Curifactory Documentation ======================================= Curifactory is a library and CLI tool designed to help organize and manage research experiments in python. .. figure:: images/diagram.png :align: center Experiment management must fulfill several tasks, including experiment orchestration, parameterization, caching, reproducibility, reporting, and parallelization. Existing projects such as MLFlow, MetaFlow, Luigi, and Pachyderm support these tasks in several different ways and to various degrees. Curifactory provides a different opinion, with a heavier focus on supporting general research experiment workflows for individuals or small teams working primarily in python. Features -------- * Adds a CLI layer on top of your codebase, a single entrypoint for running experiments * Automatic caching of intermediate data * Jupyter notebook output for further exploration of an experiment run * Docker container output with copy of codebase, conda environment, full experiment run cache, and jupyter run notebook * HTML report output from each run with graphviz-rendered diagram of experiment * Easily report plots and values to HTML report * Configuration files are python scripts, allowing programmatic definition, parameter composition, and parameter inheritance * Output logs from every run * Run experiments directly from CLI or other python code, notebooks, etc. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Usage installation.rst getting_started.rst components.rst parameters.rst cache.rst hashing_mechanics.rst experiment_graph.rst reports.rst config.rst cli_guide.rst example.rst tips.rst cookbook.rst migration.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: API args.rst caching.rst dag.rst docker.rst experiment.rst hashing.rst manager.rst params.rst procedure.rst project.rst record.rst reporting.rst staging.rst store.rst utils.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`