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ORNL's AI Workshop

Generative AI are revolutionary technologies with profound impacts on our daily human-computing interactions, facilitating the creation of content that emulates human creativity. Among these, Large language models (LLM), such as OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) foundation models and Google's Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), have become a significant focus in the current landscape. Beyond understanding their impact and limitations, there is a crucial need to ensure their correctness, verify their outputs, and promote safe usage, especially in the context of the DOE's scientific mission. It is imperative that these models are responsibly used and their broader implications are thoroughly examined to effectively serve in scientific research and exploration.

Aims and Scope

The Generative AI for ORNL Science Workshop series, invites the scientific community to share current challenges, requirements and opportunities for the safe use of generative AI technologies in our mission. Our goal is to provide a venue to educate and exchange research and development ideas, collaborations and investments around the current state-of-the-art in these relatively new technologies. We welcome lightning talk proposals from the wide range of experimental, observational, high-performance computing (HPC) projects at ORNL. We will summarize our ideas, findings and key opportunities in a subsequent report that we will share with the community and interested participants.


While this is a hybrid event, we encourage in-person participation to improve interactions with the speakers and within the community.

Registration Link: Please register by July 13, 2023 (CLOSED).

External (virtual or in-person) participants need to register. If you are attending SMC23 (, you are automatically approved to attend but you still need to register with a special registration link. ORNL (virtual or in-person) participants need to register with an internal registration link provided by the workshop organizers.

Note: Registration is open until July 13 for external and non-SMC23 attendees.

The registration form includes the option to propose a talk focusing on the requirements for scientific areas that are representative.

Call for Talks

We invite participants to present a talk that aligns with the scope of the workshop (option provided in the registration form) Full talks (45mins) and lightning talks (2-3mins) are encouraged.



Location: Tennessee Ballroom, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Downtown, Knoxville, TN

Time Session Presenter
8:00am-8:30am Registration  
Working Breakfast    
8:30am-9:15am Opening Remarks and Keynote: AI Security Research - A new science at the intersection of AI and cybersecurity research Prasanna Balaprakash, AI Initiative Director and Edmon Begoli, AI Systems R&D Section Head, ORNL
9:15am-9:45am DecodingTrust: Assessing Trustworthiness and Risks of Generative Models Bo Li, Neubauer Associate professor, University of Chicago
9:45am-11:00am Lightning Talks Session Session Chair: William F Godoy, ORNL
  Toward Multimodal Foundation Models for GeoAI Philipe Ambrozio Dias, ORNL
  Toward a Foundation Model for Climate Research and Applications Valentine Anantharaj, ORNL
  How Generative Deep learning could change biology Ada Sedova, ORNL
  TwoFold at Scale Jens Glaser, ORNL
  AI at NERSC Wahid Bhimji, LBNL/NERSC
  Developing deep generative models for scientific data Jong Choi, ORNL
  AutoMin: Learnings from Generative NLP Models for Automatic Generation and Evaluation of Meeting Minutes Tirthankar Ghosal, ORNL
  Blackout Diffusion: Generative Models in Discrete State Spaces Zachary Fox, ORNL
  Trustworthy graph neural networks using new hardware for energy efficiency Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, ORNL
  FORGE: Open Foundation Models for Science Junqi Yin, ORNL
11:00am-11:10am Break  
11:10am-11:15pm Introduction to the Vendor’s Session Session Chair: Oscar Hernandez, ORNL
11:15am-12:00pm From pre-training to model alignment Sandeep Subramanian, NVIDIA
Working Lunch    
12:00pm-12:45pm Generative AI and Large Language Models with SambaNova Systems Jennifer Glore and Ken Kutzer, SambaNova
12:45pm-1:00pm Break  
1:00pm-1:45pm Low-Latency Inference at Scale in the age of LLMs and ML Accelerators Andrew Ling, Groq
1:45pm-2:30pm Training LLMs with Cerebras Richard Kuzma, Cerebras
2:30pm-3:15pm Efficient Generative AI with Graphcore IPUs Chad Martin, Graphcore
3:15pm-3:30pm Closing remarks, adjourn  


Program Commmitee

Logistics and Planning Chair

Steering Committee

Hotel Information


The workshop organizers greatly appreciate the support of our corporate sponsors: Groq Logo