Getting Started ############### Installation ============ The ICAT library itself can be installed via ``pip`` with: .. code-block:: bash pip install icat-iml ICAT is primarily intended to run in Jupyter, so it is recommended you install and use either Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook Running ======= To run ICAT, you have to first call ``initialize()``: .. code-block:: python import icat icat.initialize() To render the interface, create an icat ``Model`` with a pandas dataframe with the data you want to explore and the name of the column containing the text, and then execute ``.view`` at the end of a cell: .. code-block:: python model = icat.Model(my_data_df, "text_col") model.view Simplest Example ================ Running the following two cells in a jupyter environment should create a functioning interface: .. code-block:: python import icat import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups icat.initialize() .. code-block:: python train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset="train") train_df = pd.DataFrame({"text": train["data"]}) model = icat.Model(train_df, "text") model.view