
ICAT is an example of an interactive machine learning (IML) tool - a tool where a model is trained based on interactions with a human in the loop.

Specifically, ICAT provides interactive featuring and interactive labelling.

Underlying model#

The primary object in icat is a Model, which trains on the fly based on the actions taken by the user. By default, this is a simple logistic regression model provided by sklearn. A simpler model is required for this particular use case, as it needs to be able to train within a few seconds, and since all labels and features are provided on the fly by the user, the overall quantity of training data and the complexity of the feature space is very low.

The model is assumed to be a binary classifier, with the intent that the user indicates what is “interesting” verus “uninteresting”. In practice, models can be combined to achieve multi class predictions, or models can be used in sequence to allow creating a chain of filters.

An ICAT model can be initialized by passing the dataset as a pandas dataframe and the name of the column with the text to feature on:

import icat

model = icat.Model(my_data_df, "text_col")


Interactive featuring in ICAT is achieved through “anchors”, terminology adopted from the AnchorViz paper (“AnchorViz: Facilitating classifier error discovery through interactive semantic data exploration”.)

An anchor, conceptually, is an arbitrary function that returns a “strength” or “attraction” value usually between 0 and 1. Simple examples include a “dictionary” or bag of words that return the number of times some set of keywords appear in each text, or a cosine-similarity score to a target text’s TF-IDF vector.

In implementation, an anchor in ICAT is any instance of a subclass of icat.anchors.Anchor. All anchors have a featurize() function that runs the actual feature computation, and is passed the data to featurize on. The class implementation also has the ability to create a set of UI components to configure it, which show up in the Anchor list

ICAT comes with several pre-defined anchors, (the DictionaryAnchor and TFIDFAnchor as defined above)

Anchors can be added in the interface by clicking on the associated anchor type button in the anchorlist, or by programmatic definition:

import icat
model = icat.Model(my_data_df, "text_col")

some_anchor = icat.DictionaryAnchor(anchor_name="news", keywords=["news"])


In the Data manager, the user has the ability to label any instance as “interesting” or “uninteresting”, with the “I” and “U” buttons respectively. Every time the user supplies a new label, it is added to the underlying model’s training set.

Without an initial set of labels, the model is considered to be “unseeded”, or not having enough information to sufficiently train and make predictions. Once the user supplies an inital set of 10 labeled instances, the model will train and predict on the full dataset (coloring different parts in the interface to reflect this - orange indicates “interesting” and blue indicates “uninteresting”.)

Once a model has been seeded, all labelling and anchor modifications the user makes retrain the model from scratch and updates the corresponding predictions.

Labelling can be done either with the available buttons in the data manager/item viewer, or programmatically:

import icat
model = icat.Model(my_data_df, "text_col"), 1)  # label index 42 as "interesting", 0)  # label index 13 as "uninteresting"