Getting Started#


The ICAT library itself can be installed via pip with:

pip install icat-iml

ICAT is primarily intended to run in Jupyter, so it is recommended you install and use either Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook


To run ICAT, you have to first call initialize():

import icat

To render the interface, create an icat Model with a pandas dataframe with the data you want to explore and the name of the column containing the text, and then execute .view at the end of a cell:

model = icat.Model(my_data_df, "text_col")

Simplest Example#

Running the following two cells in a jupyter environment should create a functioning interface:

import icat
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups

train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset="train")
train_df = pd.DataFrame({"text": train["data"]})
model = icat.Model(train_df, "text")