Dashboard Widgets

This page lists and shows the different widgets that compose the full dashboard. While Dashboard.render() returns the entire dashboard by default, all components can be customized or manually accessed in order to construct the layout together yourself.


Note that all widgets are initialized when a new Dashboard instance is constructed. Any changes made to the class widgets before calling render() will persist in the returned layout:

dash = Dashboard(wrapper)
dash.lbl_projection_graph.value = "<h3>Entry Embeddings</h3>"
dash.render() # altered 'entry embeddings' label will be in final layout.

The sections below list all of the different components that are set up in the dashboard class. Any may be individually altered as desired. If you need an entirely different layout for the dashboard, you can manually reference the components or groups and put them into your own HBox/VBox layouts. You would manually render the results for this, rather than calling render():

dash = Dashboard(wrapper)
my_layout = HBox([


The below images show the individual widgets in each portion of the dashboard. All names are attributes that can be directly referenced from the wrapper instance.

_images/screen1_components.png _images/screen2_components.png


Below shows different collections of components that are wrapped in HBox/VBox layouts - these can alo be directly referenced from the wrapper instance.

_images/screen1_sections.png _images/screen2_sections.png